Looking for feelings and emotions worksheets for your child? Help your child learn to manage emotions with these worksheets.
There are coping skills worksheets for children, emotions mini-books, feelings and emotions printable games, and more!
These emotions printable worksheets include over 150 pages of printables for winter, spring, summer, and fall. Some of the worksheets are:
- Emotions Mini-books
- Emotions Charts
- Daily Emotions Check-ins
- Writing Emotions
- Emotions Matching Cut & Paste
- Emotions I Spy
- Sorting Emotions
- Label Emotions Cut & Paste
- Roll & Color Games
- Problem Solving Situations
- Perspective-taking with emotions
- Perspective-taking with situations
- Coping Strategies
Digital download only. Zip file. You can right-click on your computer to unzip the file.
For individual home use only or one classroom only. Not to be shared or posted online.